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 Mary Bobson

Oceans of Time
Russian Flag_edited.jpg
Ocean of Time by Mary Bobson_edited.jpg

This forms part of series of my 3D paintings with high relief and sculptural effect is called "Landscapes of Soul" and is dedicated to Nature and humans. It fits the theme of the submission "Protect What You Love" quite well."Landscapes of Soul" series of artwork with high 3D reliefs are my comprehension of the world as the union of relief and color. The similarity of natural landscapes is represented as the analogy with human soul landscapes being the part of nature. Among them is the human desire to lie down on the grass, to dive into the coolness of the water, to touch the sand with one's fingers, to admire the sky, to always protect the environment. 


These are the abstract pieces of art as a part of the natural landscape that is a frozen current moment.The most powerful incentive for the preservation of our Planet is its beauty, uniqueness, and close relationship with every Human!How much in common between us - every beautiful view of nature is impossible to repeat at the moment. And it is different from all sides. Colors and shades, scents, and sensations will not be repeated twice. As well as the feelings and emotions of each person. The soul and brain of a person is a relief landscape, as unique as sea waves and mountain ranges, a pattern of sands, a pile of clouds.Forming mountains and cavities, oceans and rivers, crushing and stretching the wet fabric with hands I speak in the language of form thus transforming vision into reality.The conflict between the softness of textiles and the hardness of gypsum and plaster creates a union on the verge of sculpture and painting. And also the conflict of modern mankind with nature gives rise to a close alliance in caring for natural resources and methods of returning health to ecosystems.

About The Artist

My name is Mary Bobson (Mariia Boborenko). I was born in 1975 and live in Stavropol, Russia. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I graduated from the art school and the College of Technology and Design of the Technological University. A. A. Leonov in Moscow. I wanted to study and have an art career, but during difficult times in Russia in the 90s I had to change the direction of my development and I became a Doctor of Economics and worked for more than 20 years as a chief financier at the local branch of Gazprom. But at the same time, I was constantly engaged in the design and decoration of interiors, including creating creative wall coverings, pieces of furniture, vases, lamps. With the birth of my second son at 43, a channel of inner artistic vision opened for me and I changed my life and became a full-fledged artist. Thus, I closed the circle of love for art and returned to my destiny.

Curators Comment


Humanity is, like nature, going through repetitive cycles of evolution: everything flourishes, stagnates, and eventually declines - at different time scales – we’re no different. No one can hold on to a single beautiful moment and preserve it. We live through fleeting moments without permanence. All we can do is learn to appreciate places of interest or beauty, and try to preserve their essence – for us, and future generations. We must become the antiquarian and the lover of nature to secure the continuity of the human race, whilst respecting the acting giant forces of nature. We increasingly sense the vastness and permanence of the physical world that surrounds us, our late birth onto this planet as a human race, and we begin to experience the fleeting character of human life - the comparative weakness of humankind. Natural beauty however has the power to stimulate our imagination and allows us to take moments out of our petty cares and the small details of everyday existence. 

It’s bewildering that despite our dependence on healthy, thriving ecosystems and biodiversity we have not developed a sufficient nor widespread sense of protectionism for nature, our places of interest, or beauty. We tend to protect or even ensure things with a marketable value, things we take home, movable goods we learnt to hold dearly. As nature is best enjoyed in situ and not something we can take home to enjoy and treasure, we tend to give it very limited market value and lack the foresight of protecting what actually protects us. In our blind pursuit of wealth, we try to commodify nature, break it down into bitesize comprehensible units with marketable value to suit our understanding of this world. We don’t appreciate that it took millennia to reach the kind of homeostasis that was conducive to our late birth onto this planet as the human race and allowed us to thrive. We break what we don’t understand or appreciate, failing to recognise that we’re a mere fragment in this interconnected web of life. 

As we’re waking up to this reality, we’re now slowly opening our eyes: maybe it’s the first time that we truly see the beauty of life and begin to apprehend on a visceral level to ‘protect what we love’. As it always has been and always will be – time will tell.

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