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Artists Discuss Spirituality & Ritual at Dwyer Cultural Center

Jul 13, 2023

International Communications Association, Inc. and Diaspora Now Inc, in association with Occhi Arts and Entertainment present “Spirituality & Ritual in the African Diaspora”, at Dwyer Cultural Center, 309 W123rd Street, Harlem, NY

Since its formation in 1986, Diaspora-Now Inc’s primary mission has been to increase the awareness and appreciation of Caribbean culture, through the distribution of information and works of art. In partnership with International Communications Association Inc, the exhibition “Spirituality & Ritual in the African Diaspora”, explores elements of worship across the diaspora. Curated by Anderson M. Pilgrim, the show features works by accomplished artists such as Ademola Olugebefola, Arlette St. Hill, Bernard S. Hoyes, Diogenes Ballester, Earl D. Etienne, Jorge A. Valdes (JAVA), Marlon Forrester, Michel Rollock, and Patricia Brintle. The show opened on June 8th and runs until August 31st, 2023.

This weekend, Occhi Arts and Entertainment is proud to support a panel discussion exploring elements of worship across the diaspora. The discussion forms part of the show and takes place at the Dwyer Cultural Center, 309 W123rd Street, Harlem, New York this Saturday, July 15, 2023, 2 – 4.30 pm. Panelists will include artists Ademola Olugebefola, Jorge Valdes, Patricia Brintle, Marlon Forrester, curator Anderson Pilgrim, and Prof. Carol B. Duncan. The event will also be streamed via Zoom.

For further information on the exhibition and panel discussion please contact Harold Thomas: (646) 275-9090;

To attend this free event on Zoom, please register via the following the link

Featured image: Patricia Brintle – Our Lady of Częstochowa (Syncretized with Erzulie Dantor) provided by Diaspora Now Inc

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